In-Class Savers

In-Class Savers are files that we can create in a Microsoft Word document and get extra credit for the activities that we save.  To create In-Class Savers, we open a Microsoft Word file, save the file name as lastname_firstname_nameofdocument.docx.  We then follow the directions of the In-Class Saver.

The one that I did was called "On the Web".   I searched for myself on the web, studied and looked at the websites and results that came up when I typed in my name, and answered the questions asked.   I then saved the file to my computer and uploaded it to extra credit total course on the Canvas website.

Something that I learned from the In-Class Saver experience was not only what information about me is out there on the web, but also how to do research about myself and use the web more efficiently.

I'm proud to know about the websites and information that came up for me and that the ones that I found are a representation of myself including my business website, my professional LinkedIn account and other fantastic accomplishments I have done in my life like the article about me completing a triathlon.

Finding Myself on Web

* Graphics courtesy of KMK Photography

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